
IRD International – Career Guidance Test Guidelines

Dear Students,

Greetings and Thank you for your trust in Career Guidance Test & Counseling to be conducted by IRDI.

We welcome you to the platform, that will help us, help you in successfully identifying your career path. 

However, we need you to collaborate with us to make it beneficial for you at this stage when emotions, intellect and social exchanges are creating mixed thoughts. DO READ THE TECHNICAL GUIDELINES SHARED AT THE END OF THE MAIL.

Please follow the instructions given below to enjoy the experience. This will help our Counselors to know you better and guide accordingly.

The Instructions are as follows (Read the Instructions carefully, till the end, before rushing into attempt):

  1. Visit the URL: www.irdistudio.com for Registration
  1. Click on ‘Take MAP Test now’
  1. Click on the ‘Log in with Google’ with your Gmail ID. Once you Register, you will be able to access the Test. Without registration we will not be able to allow you to attempt the test.
  2. The Test will be accessible on 16th May 2021 between 1.30 PM to 5.00 PM Only.
  3. To access the test, you again visit www.irdistudio.com and login. You will find THREE Tests that are available.
  1. The three tests are – Aptitude Test, Multiple Intelligence Test, and Personality Test.


The test is about knowing our own intellect, knowledge and acumen to help us design our path to success by making the right choice of stream, interest, and professional aspirations.

The test will act as a catalyst for the individual to know their potential and seek guidance to prepare the road-map that seems best suitable to help them follow and achieve their dreams and aspirations. 

Please read the questions carefully. You have 40 minutes to answer the questions. 

So, relax, do not be distracted and focus on making the right choice of answers.


Every individual realises, understands, and responds through the five senses. These senses further are segregated into the 9 multiple intelligences described by Dr. Howard Gardner which form the basis of our ease and comfort towards grasping and exploring thoughts, learning, and ideation. 

Multiple Intelligence is about identifying the most effective mode of learning and one’s ability.

The test will help you identify the two key intelligences of the 9 referred by Dr. Gardner that could help you learn quicker and better, thereby helping you achieve your dreams and aspirations faster. 

While answering the questions be true in helping us help you identify them appropriately. Think, review, and then give your final answer to each of the questions. You have 20 minutes to answer the questions. All the Best.


This universally accepted personality assessment is reliable and intense. Try to help us know you better as a person to be able to guide you appropriately and offer answers to your concerns in connection to building your road-map, identifying the skills to be developed and making your personality shine better and reflect better. Think and understand the statement before you answer the personality test.

You will be offered 20 minutes to think and answer.


Please note: The Log-in timeline for you is open on 5th June 2022 from 11:30 AM to 5.00 PM only. 

If there is any technical issue, report us immediately on – irdinternational2020@gmail.com, along with your name and number, and we will help you resolve the issue. We will also request you to inform your school Teacher/Principal/Coordinator about the same.

We request you to keep your mind calm and feel confident for this is not any competition, this is only about knowing your potential to plan your future, a bright future.



Individual Resource Development International

HELPDESK Number – 7021550251

Helpdesk Zoom call from 11:30 am – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82839066563